Sunday, October 14, 2012

Browsing the Web

I decieded to test out my pinterst and I put together a board of pictures that correalates with our Chapter Two Browsing the Web.

Personal Learning Network

This was my first time creating a personal learning network. First, I joined Linkedin and I plan to use it to meet professionals in the third sector.

Next, I searched out blogs that would give me insight to non-for-profit management, fundraising, and social issues.

I have been a member of twitter, facebook and pintrest for quiet some time, however, now I plan to use them professionally. I recently started following Barak Obama and Buffalo's Mayor Byron Brown on Twitter to help keep track of social issues.

To showcase my personal network I found free mind which allowed me to keep track of my progress developing my personal network. It was not very user friendly, but with time and effort, I have figured it out.

Please offer any insight you have on developing a personal netowrk. Also, if you know of a better mind mapping tool, please share.